In the day and age of not needing physical storage of money, why do we still need private banks to borrow from the fed and mark it up and lend it back to us?

Maybe going direct is also good in that it cuts out the tons of bullshit finance jobs. None of these jobs produce anything. They're middlemen that charge you for what they get from the fed.

Simplify the system, cut out the parasites.

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That's the direction technocracy is delivering to a world near you!

Except it runs parasitic and the nature of the cage and chains are hidden from the 'front end user'.

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John, where is episode 2 to be found, perchance?

This is all good, because as Deep Throat said in Watergate fiasco, (when Woodward et al were stuck in their investigation), "Follow the Money". I. would first note that here we are discussing debt based fiat 'Currency' and its issuers, not real Money. ("Gold is money, all else is credit" J.P. Morgan) Debt based fiat (non backed currency issued at interest) is a 'money' imposter, fuelling the (now ending!) evil debt slave societal 'matrix'. The 'matrix' is evil due to the fact that it is imposed, and thus is a violator of our inherited sacred individual 'sovereignty'. (we are sovereign or else we couldn't be held accountable for our actions). And sovereignty is sacred for two reasons. It is based in Freedom, and it has been gifted to us by our Creator. This exploration is well timed, as humanity is currently transiting a paradigm shift (Fourth Turning) of a high degree, whose outcome will almost certainly determine the long term path of humanity, that being towards Freedom or absolute slavery.

The 'matrix' was designed, and is operated by, and in the (misplaced) interest of the evil 'elite'. THEY are the powers behind, and owners of, the global CB's. 'We the People' must receive a proper true 'education', and the Internet is the modern Gutenberg press, our greatest weapon in the age old war of Good vs Evil. Thus, important Knowledge like John is providing here can be widely disseminated. I also am able to present my work here, which may be of some value. My latest re timing; https://donjuan.substack.com/p/endgame-incoming

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Hello John, Very jazzed about all of your work. I have being lurking and now supporting you for several years.

I have a question regarding the Fed and the valuation of gold reserves.

Is it written in the original Federal Reserve charter that there can be a one time reevaluation of gold?

After being told that by a trusted authority, I have not been able to find that to be so but that's me.

Looking forward to the rest of the series.


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Am I correct that the Bank of England was founded by the Dutch King William of Orange upon his conquest, not a Brit.

This funded the conquest of Ireland.

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Great, interesting questions, however, your education is your responsibility, not mine.

I suggest you put that to one or more of the AIs now in vogue and post the answers here.

Hint : Why was Charles I beheaded?

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Going to pass this along far and wide. I have a fairly large following on X and am in several groups that will love your great work. Appreciate all you have done over the last decade!

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Thanks, my brother!

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I'm reading The Lost Science of Money: The Mythology of Money, the Story of Power by Stephen Zarlenga and learning of facts I hadn't read or heard anywhere else. (PDF is available - book is out of print)

I think (after a few chapters in) that it offers a significant framework of thought from which to question the psyop of money as a commodity subject to market forces. The historical and exclusively exploited disparities of gold and silver ratios West and East - shaping geopolitical history (Capitalism).

The inseparability of law and money.


Nomisma (Ancient Greek: νόμισμα) was the ancient Greek word for "money" and is derived from nomos (νόμος) meaning "'anything assigned,' 'a usage,' 'custom,' 'law,' 'ordinance,' or 'that which is a habitual practice.'"

...but money has become by convention a sort of representative of demand; and this is why it has the name 'money' (nomisma) – because it exists not by nature but by law (nomos) and it is in our power to change it and make it useless.

— Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics

I also look at currencies of thought and meaning that run backstage to the projections and effects of such 'meanings' - and which operate a distortion of consciousness as a 'socially masked disorder' backed by protected investment. Ie I look at the psychic-emotion or spiritual 'structures' that incentivise and align blind systemic rigidity.

Integrative or reintegrative awareness is the fruit of releasing the Prodigals mis-taken and lack-driven inheritance. Likewise any insight or 'good idea' can become destructive if harnessed by the mindset of possession and control. Weaponising and marketising everything is the 'underlying 'culture' of life as war by any and all means. The root of which runs a defended self-specialness against fear and pain of loss.

Yet specialness costs awareness of truth and thus a true appreciation of and sharing in life.

Set over and apart from as if to 'win'.

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Sir I salute your endeavour and for simplifying the 'can of worms' that the central banks are.

Thank you.

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CON-gress grilling The Fed is just a dog and pony show for the plebs.

The Fed lends to the gubmint, so The Fed is the controlling party.

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"Every. Single. Time."

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Great Analysis, John. I'd have to post a summary of English history from Queen Elizabeth I through to King William III to add anything.

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"The NEED Act is an escape from debt, from poverty and a path towards economic freedom. If DOGE is looking for real reform, here is where it should focus."

Real Government Efficiency: How to 'Actually' End Debt and Restore America's Financial Sovereignty

In the face of misguided AUSTERITY measures proposed by the Department of Government "Efficiency" (DOGE) here we show how to restore America's PROSPERITY and create a full employment economy


The U.S. Congress must realize that, even in the EU, eventually, men and steel can find money and bread (not advocating petrol bombs).

WATCH: Massive Protests in Greece, Hundreds of Thousands Gather and Throw Petrol Bombs at Police


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Thanks for this.

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Thanks. Looking forward to it. Really, just absolutely great work thus far. Good idea to release them like this cause I believe it is so involved many may have to rewatch. Gives you plenty of time to absorb as much as you can. So much yakking about the Fed everywhere so this one should be the standard. At least that is what I think. It has been difficult to get this in the mainstream with recommendations. I do believe it will get more legs but so many are amused by typical podcast tripe. What can you do.

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Thanks very much. Yeah, I'm all about laying a record. That's what this is all about.

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