Wow, thanks for that. I listen to/read to NZ news very little! Just more of the same wwide games, so no point really. So your comment just confirms my belief, they all know in our NZ govt whats been going on with Everything!
Hi there. Limabaker here. Never heard back from u...glad ur hot on the trail-leave no stone unturned. Hopefully if you have a moment, pls cross post to U tube and Rumble for max. effect. Peace and prayers be with us all. lb
Where does a Nation get the money it needs to pay its bills?
Answer: It sells Treasury Bonds.
When a Nation sells Treasury Bonds the Buyer gives the Nation money and expects to get their money, plus interest, given back to them at a specified time in the future.
The Nation created the Treasury Bond “OUT OF THIN AIR!”
Today’s $34+ TRILLION DEBT is the accumulation of Treasury Bonds sold that the Nation hasn’t paid back.
The Nation will NEVER have the money to pay back the Treasury Bonds, so instead the Nation just keeps on paying back the INTEREST on all of those Treasury Bonds.
Current US Tax Revenue = $4.6 TRILLION
Current US Interest on the Debt = $4.2 TRILLION
The “GREAT LIE” that was foisted on the public is that the Nation needs to borrow other people’s money to pay its bills, and then pay them back with interest.
The “TRUTH” is that a Nation can “balance its books” simply by creating LOANS “out of thin air” that borrowers pay back, plus interest.
The other “GREAT LIE” from history is that a Nation’s wealth is measured by the quantity of precious metals (gold and silver) that it owns, and that the value of their precious metals is the collateral to backup their debt.
Alexander Hamilton dispelled this lie when our Nation was founded:
“The intrinsic wealth of a nation is to be measured, not by the abundance of the precious metals contained in it, but by the quantity of the productions of its labor and industry.”
I would re-phrase Hamilton’s quote by saying,
“The value of a sovereign Nation’s money is determined by the quantity and quality of the goods and services it produces.”
The Decline and Fall of Western Civilization is being intentionally instigated by the (British) Globalist Fascist Oligarchy so that once their goal of “The Great Collapse of Society” is achieved then they can “Build Back Better” a One-World NWO in the shape of a Global Technocracy (Corporatist Fascism).
The source of the (British) Globalist Fascist Oligarchy’s power is their financial wealth that is derived from their control over the West’s monetary systems through all of the Western Nation’s Central Banks, and their headquarters at the British-controlled BIS in Basel, Switzerland.
The only way to defeat the (British) Globalist Fascist Oligarchy is to take away their control over the West’s Central Banks. This can be accomplished very simply through the following change:
Today, Sovereign Nations borrow other people’s money by selling them Treasury Bonds, that are created out of thin air, and then paying interest on those bonds to the buyers, who are the Central Banksters.
The solution is for Sovereign Nations to create Loans out of thin air that other people borrow from the Sovereign Nation and then pay interest on those loans back to the Sovereign Nation’s Treasury.
In today’s Western monetary system, the Central Banksters (British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy) get wealthy and powerful by keeping Sovereign Nations in perpetual debt by forcing them to pay interest on the Treasury Bonds owned by the Central Banksters.
Tomorrow’s empowered Western monetary system could result in Prosperity for the citizens of each Sovereign Nation by forcing the borrowers of Treasury Loans to pay interest on their loans back to the Treasury of the Sovereign Nation.
British? You jest, right? LOL, too funny!!! The "Globalists" are a nation within every nation and network on a global scale. Can you guess? Henry Ford knew even way back then.
The USA is controlled by the British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy.
US Foreign Policy is dictated by the British Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) through its U.S. subsidiary, the Council on Foreign Relations. US Monetary Policy is dictated by the British-controlled Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland through its US subsidiary, the Federal Reserve. And US National Security is dictated by the British-controlled “Five Eyes” intelligence network (UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and USA).
The FBI/MI5 and CIA/MI6 and NSA/GCHQ weren’t created to protect the citizens of the USA and subjects of the U.K., but to protect the wealth, interests, and NWO agenda of the British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy.
How Cecil Rhodes Fathered the Modern Globalist Movement: a Timeline
The Pilgrim Society’s Empire Press Union created MI5, MI6 and GC&CS, now GCHQ in 1909.
All the leading British and American newspapers were weaponized in 1909 by the British Government-led Pilgrims Society: Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, Times, Daily Mirror, Daily Express, Sunday Times, Observer, Financial Times, Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, etc.
As radio and television emerged in the 1920s, the list of Pilgrim-weaponized intelligence propaganda media expanded to BBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CBC, CNN, CNBC, Comcast and now FOX.
The C.I.A., FBI, NSA and State Department are the step-children under Pilgrims Society (British) control today.
The Anglo-American Oligarchy rewrote American history to erase all of the British atrocities committed around the world, and erased any discussion of “The American System of Political Economy” that was being implemented around the world by countries like Germany, Russia, Japan, Ireland, and China, because the American System was an existential threat to the British System of Imperialism, Colonialism, slavery, and “free trade” that only benefited the British to the detriment of their colonies.
Globalist Democrats & RINOs eagerly anticipate the day in the not too distant future where there will no longer be laws that represent the will of the people, but instead an Orwellian dystopia where all of the land and natural resources are owned by the British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy, and a borderless society is administered by a bureaucratic Technocracy where “We Their Serfs” must obey their UN-WEF-WHO-BIS-NATO SDG/ESG/DEI dictates.
The (British) Globalist Fascist Oligarchy are intentionally instigating “The Great Collapse of US Society” so they can “Build Back Better” a One-World Technocratic New World Order administered by the UN-WEF with their SDG/ESG/DEI dictates.
The Frankfurt School and “Critical Theory”
The “Frankfurt School,” or Institute for Social Research, was set up by a group of Marxist intellectuals in Germany in 1923, affiliated to the University of Frankfurt and independently of the Communist Party, which has been influential in the development of Marxist theory ever since.
The Frankfurt School believed that as long as an individual had the belief – or even the hope of belief – that his divine gift of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation that they considered necessary to provoke socialist revolution. Their task, therefore, was as swiftly as possible to undermine the Judeo-Christian legacy. To do this they called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life which would be designed to de-stabilize society and bring down what they saw as the ‘oppressive’ order. Their policies, they hoped, would spread like a virus—‘continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means’ as one of their members noted.
To further advance their ‘quiet’ incremental cultural revolution (Fabian Socialism) – but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future – the School recommended (among other things):
Divide and Conquer.
The oppressed and their oppressors.
1. The creation of racism offenses.
2. Continual change to create confusion.
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking/drug abuse.
7. Emptying of churches.
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.
10. Control and dumbing down of media.
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.
One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of ‘pan-sexualism’ – the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:
• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.
• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls
• abolish all forms of male dominance – hence the presence of women in the armed forces
• declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors.’
Sunny is correct, it's not British, the oligarchy line is far older than nation states. Banking is just another construct for control and there are endless forms of control such that hyper focusing on banking (while important) now becomes a form of a limited hangout given the public is mostly oblivious to the rise of private equity, P3 mega privatization, "social impact markets" aka human capital markets, tokens and nudging, etc., in EVERY nation. No exceptions and moving in lock step despite the ongoing ugly geopolitical theater.
I saw a Whitney Webb interview where she was saying how the U.S. government and banks benefit from Bitcoin. Regulators press exchanges and stablecoins to hold 1:1 parity and then someone is buying the US debt again in the form of treasury obligations
Yes indeed and Webb's early days writing for alt included a lot of detailed hype on geopolitical theater when it was not difficult to find mountains of information and evidence that there were already very advanced across the board global fusions of policy, technologies, military cooperation (e.g. China, Russia, and US in the middle east occupation, Blue Helmet objectives, etc) and gigantic continuous global corporate cross capital flows. As well, global privatization of public assets was greatly accelerating in every nation. Now we have social impact gulags forming around the world but Webb won't dissect that with a ten thousand foot pole. Seems to support what investigative journalist Daniel Hopsicker wrote about her apparent close ties to CIA fronts.
On a positive note the Central banksters fictional reserve ponzi scheme is utter BS and all odious debt can be written off and certainly isn't owed by ( sovereign)mankind( men and woman).
Nor is the politicians corrupt unconsciousness ( global) ours and people need to figure out they dont have to subscribe ( be yes men)to tyranny.
A simple firm "no" and withholding belief in what is not real , State mind conditioning with all its false ideas( propaganda) is effective .
The revolution needed is an inner one.
America( which is a concept , a name for a land, ideas ) is not rotting. The old( egoic)system is crumbling.
There are some who are being the change they want to see, choosing the necessary shift in paradigms from the ego( fear) to Being( love)
We should remember the ww3 they are trying to make people believe in and have ( lets ditch the narrative where the US in media has been vilified and in ww3 is defeated) and counter it , as what it is negativity and war propaganda.
Beliefs strengthen ideas, spreading the memes strengthens and manifests them and they need us to believe their narrative.
Remembering there is a reason why they teach you their world values you are a victim, money is power, that we are not equal and are helpless to their tyranny = all fear.
The narrative in a collective dream of are a co creator in this play so what would you choose fear or love?
Well said. If a lot more people would stop believing in the lies and deluding themselves with endless layers of artificial constructs then we could rapidly repair our economics, health, environment, education systems, and our humanity.
Wonderful news, I've been waiting. Last Feb when you were in front of the banking collapses was a real exclamation point. Those of us living in the five eyes/english speaking world are in for a particularly rough time as global rejection mounts the "masters" will turn on what's left - in the words of Klaus, "you'll own nothing and be happy".
Yes, those of us living in so called "western democracies" have further to fall given our relatively comfortable living conditions but the gulags are already being set up all around the world driven by various engineered crises. For example, El Salvador and drug gangs (Bukele a UN/WEF globalist); homeless in California leading to a recently approved multibillion dollar project; homelessness outlawed in Florida (like CA project this will fuel massive P3 corporate managed human capital markets for authoritarian technocracy 'housing and rehab'); Palestine poised for new social impact markets; Russian work camps for political dissenters, etc. This is why private equity is the new "god" buying up every tangible asset around the globe and also how it came to pass that [gatekeeper] RFK Jr has recently promoted the idea of large federal work camps for the homeless, drug addicts, and mentally ill.
Hurrah, hurrah, John Titus is back on the airwaves. So good to read your “trailer” email! It fills one with a refreshed resolve, a rejuvenating knowing, and even, “well, it has to play out, this will be interesting to witness” thought. Glad you are here with us during this historical time John. Grateful!
I can totally relate to how John Titus characterises the current state of affairs in this late stage of debt-based financial economics. But here's the thing: the implosion has been predicted for decades. This type of characterisation wouldn't have been amiss in 2008. I have continually been amazed over the years how the global debt clown gets ever fatter and absurd but continues to dance. Just saying.
ISDA's push for SLR reform could reshape banking regulations, allowing banks to exclude U.S. Treasuries from leverage calculations. While aimed at boosting market liquidity, this move might prioritize bank profits over financial stability, echoing concerns of past financial crises. Could history's lessons be ignored for short-term gains? They're wanting to bet the whole damn farm...
Great news John.
The world is mad. In NZ our central bank governor said before a select committee (in Feb this year) that
“It’s a great business to be in, central banking.
“We print money and people believe it.
”Touch wood
I nearly fell over. I've written about it on my substack if you're interested.
Love your work. On this and with Catherine Austin Fitts.
Wow, thanks for that. I listen to/read to NZ news very little! Just more of the same wwide games, so no point really. So your comment just confirms my belief, they all know in our NZ govt whats been going on with Everything!
TPTB know the masses are too stupid, too fat, and too happy to realize they're being lied to.
Hi there. Limabaker here. Never heard back from u...glad ur hot on the trail-leave no stone unturned. Hopefully if you have a moment, pls cross post to U tube and Rumble for max. effect. Peace and prayers be with us all. lb
Get ‘em John!
The Great Bankster Debt Scam!
Where does a Nation get the money it needs to pay its bills?
Answer: It sells Treasury Bonds.
When a Nation sells Treasury Bonds the Buyer gives the Nation money and expects to get their money, plus interest, given back to them at a specified time in the future.
The Nation created the Treasury Bond “OUT OF THIN AIR!”
Today’s $34+ TRILLION DEBT is the accumulation of Treasury Bonds sold that the Nation hasn’t paid back.
The Nation will NEVER have the money to pay back the Treasury Bonds, so instead the Nation just keeps on paying back the INTEREST on all of those Treasury Bonds.
Current US Tax Revenue = $4.6 TRILLION
Current US Interest on the Debt = $4.2 TRILLION
The “GREAT LIE” that was foisted on the public is that the Nation needs to borrow other people’s money to pay its bills, and then pay them back with interest.
The “TRUTH” is that a Nation can “balance its books” simply by creating LOANS “out of thin air” that borrowers pay back, plus interest.
The other “GREAT LIE” from history is that a Nation’s wealth is measured by the quantity of precious metals (gold and silver) that it owns, and that the value of their precious metals is the collateral to backup their debt.
Alexander Hamilton dispelled this lie when our Nation was founded:
“The intrinsic wealth of a nation is to be measured, not by the abundance of the precious metals contained in it, but by the quantity of the productions of its labor and industry.”
I would re-phrase Hamilton’s quote by saying,
“The value of a sovereign Nation’s money is determined by the quantity and quality of the goods and services it produces.”
The Decline and Fall of Western Civilization is being intentionally instigated by the (British) Globalist Fascist Oligarchy so that once their goal of “The Great Collapse of Society” is achieved then they can “Build Back Better” a One-World NWO in the shape of a Global Technocracy (Corporatist Fascism).
The source of the (British) Globalist Fascist Oligarchy’s power is their financial wealth that is derived from their control over the West’s monetary systems through all of the Western Nation’s Central Banks, and their headquarters at the British-controlled BIS in Basel, Switzerland.
The only way to defeat the (British) Globalist Fascist Oligarchy is to take away their control over the West’s Central Banks. This can be accomplished very simply through the following change:
Today, Sovereign Nations borrow other people’s money by selling them Treasury Bonds, that are created out of thin air, and then paying interest on those bonds to the buyers, who are the Central Banksters.
The solution is for Sovereign Nations to create Loans out of thin air that other people borrow from the Sovereign Nation and then pay interest on those loans back to the Sovereign Nation’s Treasury.
In today’s Western monetary system, the Central Banksters (British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy) get wealthy and powerful by keeping Sovereign Nations in perpetual debt by forcing them to pay interest on the Treasury Bonds owned by the Central Banksters.
Tomorrow’s empowered Western monetary system could result in Prosperity for the citizens of each Sovereign Nation by forcing the borrowers of Treasury Loans to pay interest on their loans back to the Treasury of the Sovereign Nation.
The Great Bankster Debt Scam!
A New Monetary System with A New National Bank
British? You jest, right? LOL, too funny!!! The "Globalists" are a nation within every nation and network on a global scale. Can you guess? Henry Ford knew even way back then.
Some examples of history that you were probably not taught about in school:
Alexander Hamilton's Economics Created Our Constitution
How Andrew Jackson Destroyed the United States
History of Globalism: The American System of Political Economy Vs The British System of Political Economy
The “Global” American System of Political Economy:
Russia, Germany, China, Japan, Ireland
Anton Chaitkin’s Books:
Richard Poe’s Substack:
The story of the Anglo-American was first revealed to the public by Prof. Carroll Quigley through his two books:
Meet Carroll Quigley:
Tragedy & Hope 101
By Joe Plummer
(Click on a book pic and scroll down to the Table of Contents)
The USA is controlled by the British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy.
US Foreign Policy is dictated by the British Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) through its U.S. subsidiary, the Council on Foreign Relations. US Monetary Policy is dictated by the British-controlled Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland through its US subsidiary, the Federal Reserve. And US National Security is dictated by the British-controlled “Five Eyes” intelligence network (UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and USA).
The FBI/MI5 and CIA/MI6 and NSA/GCHQ weren’t created to protect the citizens of the USA and subjects of the U.K., but to protect the wealth, interests, and NWO agenda of the British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy.
How Cecil Rhodes Fathered the Modern Globalist Movement: a Timeline
The Origins of the Deep State in North America
Part I: The Round Table Movement
The Pilgrim Society’s Empire Press Union created MI5, MI6 and GC&CS, now GCHQ in 1909.
All the leading British and American newspapers were weaponized in 1909 by the British Government-led Pilgrims Society: Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, Times, Daily Mirror, Daily Express, Sunday Times, Observer, Financial Times, Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, etc.
As radio and television emerged in the 1920s, the list of Pilgrim-weaponized intelligence propaganda media expanded to BBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CBC, CNN, CNBC, Comcast and now FOX.
The C.I.A., FBI, NSA and State Department are the step-children under Pilgrims Society (British) control today.
The Anglo-American Pilgrims Society (1902).
The Anglo-American Oligarchy rewrote American history to erase all of the British atrocities committed around the world, and erased any discussion of “The American System of Political Economy” that was being implemented around the world by countries like Germany, Russia, Japan, Ireland, and China, because the American System was an existential threat to the British System of Imperialism, Colonialism, slavery, and “free trade” that only benefited the British to the detriment of their colonies.
Globalist Democrats & RINOs eagerly anticipate the day in the not too distant future where there will no longer be laws that represent the will of the people, but instead an Orwellian dystopia where all of the land and natural resources are owned by the British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy, and a borderless society is administered by a bureaucratic Technocracy where “We Their Serfs” must obey their UN-WEF-WHO-BIS-NATO SDG/ESG/DEI dictates.
The (British) Globalist Fascist Oligarchy are intentionally instigating “The Great Collapse of US Society” so they can “Build Back Better” a One-World Technocratic New World Order administered by the UN-WEF with their SDG/ESG/DEI dictates.
The Frankfurt School and “Critical Theory”
The “Frankfurt School,” or Institute for Social Research, was set up by a group of Marxist intellectuals in Germany in 1923, affiliated to the University of Frankfurt and independently of the Communist Party, which has been influential in the development of Marxist theory ever since.
The Frankfurt School believed that as long as an individual had the belief – or even the hope of belief – that his divine gift of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation that they considered necessary to provoke socialist revolution. Their task, therefore, was as swiftly as possible to undermine the Judeo-Christian legacy. To do this they called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life which would be designed to de-stabilize society and bring down what they saw as the ‘oppressive’ order. Their policies, they hoped, would spread like a virus—‘continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means’ as one of their members noted.
To further advance their ‘quiet’ incremental cultural revolution (Fabian Socialism) – but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future – the School recommended (among other things):
Divide and Conquer.
The oppressed and their oppressors.
1. The creation of racism offenses.
2. Continual change to create confusion.
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking/drug abuse.
7. Emptying of churches.
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.
10. Control and dumbing down of media.
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.
One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of ‘pan-sexualism’ – the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:
• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.
• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls
• abolish all forms of male dominance – hence the presence of women in the armed forces
• declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors.’
Sunny is correct, it's not British, the oligarchy line is far older than nation states. Banking is just another construct for control and there are endless forms of control such that hyper focusing on banking (while important) now becomes a form of a limited hangout given the public is mostly oblivious to the rise of private equity, P3 mega privatization, "social impact markets" aka human capital markets, tokens and nudging, etc., in EVERY nation. No exceptions and moving in lock step despite the ongoing ugly geopolitical theater.
The British Globalist Fascist Oligarchy descended from the Venetians and Khazarians.
The Venetian Takeover of England
The Rothschild’s Influence on US History
The Black Nobility
Woohoo! Can't wait..
I saw a Whitney Webb interview where she was saying how the U.S. government and banks benefit from Bitcoin. Regulators press exchanges and stablecoins to hold 1:1 parity and then someone is buying the US debt again in the form of treasury obligations
Whitney is always warning about CBDC, yet doesn't speak to the fact that Bitcoin was the ruse to make it acceptable.
Yes indeed and Webb's early days writing for alt included a lot of detailed hype on geopolitical theater when it was not difficult to find mountains of information and evidence that there were already very advanced across the board global fusions of policy, technologies, military cooperation (e.g. China, Russia, and US in the middle east occupation, Blue Helmet objectives, etc) and gigantic continuous global corporate cross capital flows. As well, global privatization of public assets was greatly accelerating in every nation. Now we have social impact gulags forming around the world but Webb won't dissect that with a ten thousand foot pole. Seems to support what investigative journalist Daniel Hopsicker wrote about her apparent close ties to CIA fronts.
Happy to see this!
Hey John! :D
On a positive note the Central banksters fictional reserve ponzi scheme is utter BS and all odious debt can be written off and certainly isn't owed by ( sovereign)mankind( men and woman).
Nor is the politicians corrupt unconsciousness ( global) ours and people need to figure out they dont have to subscribe ( be yes men)to tyranny.
A simple firm "no" and withholding belief in what is not real , State mind conditioning with all its false ideas( propaganda) is effective .
The revolution needed is an inner one.
America( which is a concept , a name for a land, ideas ) is not rotting. The old( egoic)system is crumbling.
There are some who are being the change they want to see, choosing the necessary shift in paradigms from the ego( fear) to Being( love)
We should remember the ww3 they are trying to make people believe in and have ( lets ditch the narrative where the US in media has been vilified and in ww3 is defeated) and counter it , as what it is negativity and war propaganda.
Beliefs strengthen ideas, spreading the memes strengthens and manifests them and they need us to believe their narrative.
The Russia vs Ukraine war was( and is ) just a twitter war.
Remembering there is a reason why they teach you their world values you are a victim, money is power, that we are not equal and are helpless to their tyranny = all fear.
The narrative in a collective dream of are a co creator in this play so what would you choose fear or love?
Well said. If a lot more people would stop believing in the lies and deluding themselves with endless layers of artificial constructs then we could rapidly repair our economics, health, environment, education systems, and our humanity.
Wonderful news, I've been waiting. Last Feb when you were in front of the banking collapses was a real exclamation point. Those of us living in the five eyes/english speaking world are in for a particularly rough time as global rejection mounts the "masters" will turn on what's left - in the words of Klaus, "you'll own nothing and be happy".
Yes, those of us living in so called "western democracies" have further to fall given our relatively comfortable living conditions but the gulags are already being set up all around the world driven by various engineered crises. For example, El Salvador and drug gangs (Bukele a UN/WEF globalist); homeless in California leading to a recently approved multibillion dollar project; homelessness outlawed in Florida (like CA project this will fuel massive P3 corporate managed human capital markets for authoritarian technocracy 'housing and rehab'); Palestine poised for new social impact markets; Russian work camps for political dissenters, etc. This is why private equity is the new "god" buying up every tangible asset around the globe and also how it came to pass that [gatekeeper] RFK Jr has recently promoted the idea of large federal work camps for the homeless, drug addicts, and mentally ill.
Hurrah, hurrah, John Titus is back on the airwaves. So good to read your “trailer” email! It fills one with a refreshed resolve, a rejuvenating knowing, and even, “well, it has to play out, this will be interesting to witness” thought. Glad you are here with us during this historical time John. Grateful!
So what does the future hold? Economics based on token engineering (programmable community currencies)?
I can totally relate to how John Titus characterises the current state of affairs in this late stage of debt-based financial economics. But here's the thing: the implosion has been predicted for decades. This type of characterisation wouldn't have been amiss in 2008. I have continually been amazed over the years how the global debt clown gets ever fatter and absurd but continues to dance. Just saying.
ISDA's push for SLR reform could reshape banking regulations, allowing banks to exclude U.S. Treasuries from leverage calculations. While aimed at boosting market liquidity, this move might prioritize bank profits over financial stability, echoing concerns of past financial crises. Could history's lessons be ignored for short-term gains? They're wanting to bet the whole damn farm...
It`s an absolute delight to read your texts, and see your videos. You are one of the best out there