This post is to let my substack subscribers know I'll be releasing a new video tomorrow (Wednesday, March 27, 2024). It's been six months since my last video. The criminal elite in the west has gotten materially nastier in the interim.
As usual their behavior finds its root in the terminal status of our dollar-denominated debt-based monetary system, and the criminal elite’s corresponding loss of control, as the rest of the world moves away from our rotted carcass. It's not that rest of the world doesn't have debt-based monetary systems, many do. It's that ours has fully ripened--as every debt-based monetary system inevitably does sooner or later--into the casino phase where virtually the only big industries left are financial engineering (fraud) and large-scale violence (war).
Welcome to stage 4 cancer of debt-based money, where after more than a century of interest payments—stitched into the very creation of our money—effecting a ceaseless wealth transfer from productive workers to unproductive parasites, the U.S. is now an empty husk. Our debt-based system has fully harvested and killed off manufacturing and local agriculture. We're metastatic now, and it is ugly.
Did you hear about the NATO report that ammunition production by Russia dwarfs that of all NATO countries combined by a 3:1 ratio? Or maybe you noticed that Boeing--one of the Big 5 MIC companies--can scarcely go a week without hosting a real-life disaster movie, as planes that drive up corporate profits also literally splinter apart. Or that within a week of the highly touted Abrams tank (the brainchild of another Big 5 member, General Dynamics) making its debut in Ukraine, Russian soldiers seeking bonuses were openly begging U.S. leadership to send more such wundertanks, such was the gigantic turkey shoot that instantaneously greeted General Dynamics' pride and joy.
We are led by the worst possible people, whose ineptitude is matched only by their psychopathy. Victoria Nuland is a textbook example. This vile class of people, found throughout the upper reaches of our leading institutions, have one and only one gambit: doubling down. If a strategy like padding the bottom line in't working, just do more of it. And when that doesn't work, you violently lash out. That's what we're living through right now.
The reality of this juggernaut disaster, of course, must not be revealed to the masses. And man, lemme tell you, the spin job needed to gin up, if not a happy face, at least some mask that's not manifestly cadaverous, onto the rotting head of the U.S., is an epic deception that puts all historical propaganda campaigns in the shade. Without such an all-out, monstrous effort, the colossal gaslit illusion simply will not work.
Mainstream media is nowhere near up to the job, not in this day and age, when everyone and his grandmother is onto that worn out sham.
Instead you need a carefully astroturfed ecosystem of media fraud with an irresistible sugar coating tailored to various ego-types: large, controlled "alternative media" sites; a concentric solar-caste system of bro podcasters from Joe "Buddha" Rogan on down to millionaire shills and their minions and their minions; a bi-colored political uniparty to foster the illusion of choice and freedom; and a robust, very expensive roster of pretend "superheroes" like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg--comic book characters with absurd, Horatio Alger-esque backstories to mask their single-function existences as hollow and pliant frontmen for their trillionaire puppeteers, the top money lenders. It's all in place now, chugging away 24/7, one interlocked flechette gun of disinformation, all sourced from the trillionaires.
And yet in the end, like it or not, money is creature of law, a fact that the money lenders are none too keen on letting you in on.
But try selling that concept (dating at least as far back as Aristotle) to someone who every day must partake, hours at a time (like a drug addict), of the Astroturf, or who follows some political ideology that's been crafted, one way or another, by the money lenders themselves.
But try I nevertheless will to counter all this deception, at least insofar as money is concerned, with season 4 of Mafiacracy Now. I plan to cover any number of legal topics that are fundamental to money with a series of short videos, starting with the rule of law. The first episode clocks in at 7 minutes and comes out tomorrow at noon eastern.
I'll have more to say about the importance of the rule of law tomorrow. For now I'll leave it at this: part of being aware of and waging the war we're in, at least if you're on the right side, means personally taking the fight right into the enemy's face, calling them out by name one after another, and shaming them with everything you've got. That's a big part of what season 4 is about.
I may not be able to get to the trillionaires running this huge con, but I can damn sure take a poke at their lead puppets.
Great news John.
The world is mad. In NZ our central bank governor said before a select committee (in Feb this year) that
“It’s a great business to be in, central banking.
“We print money and people believe it.
”Touch wood
I nearly fell over. I've written about it on my substack if you're interested.
Love your work. On this and with Catherine Austin Fitts.
TPTB know the masses are too stupid, too fat, and too happy to realize they're being lied to.