Thanks, man! It's short but I put some work into it. Hope you like it!

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Hahaha. I can't feel my legs!!!

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John - you may or may not have seen this article by Fabio Vighi in 2021:


The title after the opening paragraph is... Follow the money

and then there is a timeline starting in June 2019. It is missing one item, however...

September 12, 2019 - Wuhan Institute of Virology database goes offline

Your work is wonderful - can't wait for the next video - stay safe

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There was a Vighi piece, dated 2021, that I came across in 2022 I think. He published it days within Larry and Carsten’s Excellent Pandemic, which I put out on August 21, 2021. I think he cited me but can’t recall. What I do recall was the bond I felt towards a kindred spirit. I’ve since recommended his work to others many times.

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This is the best summary of the big picture I have ever seen! Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

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Thanks, man! Still in Boston? You see what the Sox did to my Cubbies Saturday?!

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I’m in a safe and undisclosed location in the North Maine Woods! Back on the road next Monday.

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Slumbering gobblers awake tomorrow!

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Keep it up Titus. Best Evidence helps us follow the money in clear, in depth reporting. Any new viewers should start at the beginning and catch up. Tell them so.

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Just as with the Covid Decals for supermarkets, did you ever wonder how the entire West was covered in Ukrainian flags the day after the invasion started. Beforehand I doubt if one in a thousand could have identified the flag from any of the other Eastern European nations.

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Exactly! And could the "unprovoked" mantra chanted in unison give away the truth any more oafishly?

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Thank you so much John your work is invauble. (I'll pledge soon)

I'm not a financial guy at all but I know truth seeking when I see it and you are the top of the list. I do though work for a guy who is a wizard, normie but wizard. I finally told him I wanted to send him a vid, I wanted to get his take. I sent him WHY IS THE FEDERAL RESERVE PROVOKING A FINANCIAL CRISIS?, told him it might be crazy. Hour and a half later I get an email back saying not only was it not crazy it was precisely correct. Then a few weeks later he told me 'your buddy' nailed that SVB 100%. I reminded him I don't think you specifically said that bank but described how they were scheduling the demise of said banks. He agreed. (I tried to convince him on the quaxx issue but did not get anywhere, he understands finance so you made complete sense.)

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I am reading this article here:


about the City of London moving to Kazakhstan, the city of Astana, specifically. The article describes how the new financial center in Kazakhstan will be created with the WEF, and focused on all their favorite projects: basically sucking the life blood out of every country everywhere.

it is a discussion about the downfall of the UK since the GFC in 2007.

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May 2Edited

No wonder they want us to have new "digital id's", which will be the under pinning of their new world order and currency. Its the same slave system we have with paper birth certificates, government bonds and the ceste que vie trusts. I've been learning a lot about the foundations of our republic and trust law at https://thepeoplesoperationrestoration.com/

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Uh... It's got Trump on the home page. Isn't he a Zionist in league with the worst people in the world? I'm not a Biden supporter. I don't support any government or political party.

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Thank you for that reference Joan. There are very interesting documents there.

Very helpful!

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May 2Edited

I think it might be good to never sign anything with an unqualified signature. Always sign "as grantor" or as "authorized representative", & "all rights reserved" for control over whatever trusts they create with these digital id's and any banking contracts.

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I think I will have to read that paper you cited. Thanks again for the reference.

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I found this cite had some handier stuff too. https://www.educatedinlaw.org/

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Thank you, Sir. Following the money is a time-eating, arduous task only the brave can undertake. The rest of us mortals appreciate your efforts. Once you've taught us to stop sipping from the cabal's drool bucket, we must enter Phase 2; networking to put our newfound knowledge to work. I recently bumped into a group, actually a movement called Tactical Civics, which has a plan for fixing the mess we find ourselves in. If interested, here's a link: https://tacticalcivics.com/

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Thanks for that reference, I've been meaning to look into that one, I think I saw it on https://thepeoplesoperationrestoration.com/

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Thanks for the comment Joan. Many of us are tired of talking about problems and are seeking solutions. There are some great groups out there actually doing work. I'm involved with several groups but so far, my favorite is Tactical Civics. TC has a plan for working at the county level that seems very doable to me, though it is not a short term project. At 72-years old, I doubt I'll see the seeds we're planting actually grow, but planting seeds is fulfilling and worthwhile in itself. I've gone so far now as to become a County Coordinator with TC, so am a bit biased toward their point of view. Meeting lots of good people and having fun working hard. Much less angry and frustrated than I was.

Thanks again.

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May 3Edited

Agreed, there's no reporting on solutions. I'll definitely check them out. I'd like to find some local groups. I'm only knee deep in the info so far, its daunting and time consuming. I'm currently consuming https://bondsforthewin.com/it-only-takes-10-people/ and https://www.educatedinlaw.org/

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Honest persistence always pays off in the end, but as a gray-hair, I've noticed we MUST live our lives with family and friends; then find a few laughs along the way or the battle eats our energy and fortitude.

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John Titus I think you are brilliant. The video you did about the coup d'etat featuring Obama, Holder, and Breuer was incredibly eye opening for me, even though I already knew what a traitor Obama was. What I hadn't understood was THE MONEY PART. Thank you for explaining in terms even I (not so good at math) can understand.

I have so many gobblers in my family and around me I hardly know how to keep a REAL conversation going with them. I have to repeat to myself, "Lips don't fail me now." and try to remember that I really do love them. I'm glad I am not alone in having that to deal with!

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We really do need a 12-step mainstream news addiction recovery and coping program.

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That is so true!

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The green screen pic made me smile. Looking forward to the video.

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Well deployed weaponized piles of money work better than any complex conspiracy.

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Looking forward to it!

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LOL, I can imagine you yelling "PAN-DEMIC!!!" in that picture.

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