This post is to let my substack subscribers know I'll be releasing a NEW VIDEO tomorrow (Wednesday, May 1, 2024). It's only an intro video for my YouTube channel--my first one ever after 10 years of making videos--so there's nothing of substance that’s new here. Moreover, the video isn't even 90 seconds long and is furthermore directed towards potential new subscribers, not to people who've followed my work.
So initially I wasn't even going to write up this post at all.
But then two things happened that made me change my mind.
First, stupid YouTube* forces creators to select their preview videos only from their crop of existing videos. I didn't know that when I started the highlight video production process. So it came as an unpleasant surprise when I tried uploading my new video yesterday to discover that you can't have a custom trailer video; oh, no--your intro video must be included among your channel's regular menu offerings. Which is ridiculous but kind of make sense given the medium's reward system where the ceaseless production of confetti content is valued the most.
So, since I'm releasing a new video, and since I am absolutely committed to giving my Substack people a heads-up for all new videos, this post had to be written if only to provide that notice.
The second reason for creating this post relates to a small golden nugget I stumbled across while making the highlight video.
Like everyone reading this post, most of my family and friends (and by "most" I mean "nearly all of them") toe the mainstream line when it comes to current events (despite what they might tell you).
So whenever I'm nearly done with a new video, and I'm previewing it for these relentless gobblers of absurd lies (love them though I do) to gauge their reactions, I find it necessary to include in my pitch a disclaimer along the lines of, "just accept the premise even though I know you don't, what I'm after is whether you track the basic argument being made."
My gobblers know, for example, that I've found the entire PANDEMIC!!! narrative to be a risible lie from day one. By itself, the instantaneous and ubiquitous appearance of those industrial-strength social distancing decals on the floors of supermarkets and big box retailers should have been (and was for me) a dead giveaway that the PANDEMIC!!! production had been months if not years in the planning. You just don't bop on down to your local FedEx/Kinko's and reel off a few square miles of those stickers. Sorry. You can do that, however, along with any number of other impossible tasks, quite easily, in fake TV news land though—happens every day.
The lies in the media are so ridiculous that it's basically impossible for me not to openly mock the big narratives being sold as reality day in and day out. For the most part I steer clear of those stories when I'm around my gobblers, and they do the same. It keeps the peace.
But those elephants in the room can't be avoided when it comes to my private video preview sessions. The elephant and his friends are baked into the cake by that point, there's no hiding them. Hence the prefatory disclaimer.
Until the highlight video.
After all, what's to disclaim? It's just a highlight vid. All I wanna know is, would you wanna subscribe to this channel if you came across this video? In a real way, the highlight video is aimed at gobblers. Or at least aimed at people who harbor at least an inkling that the current system doesn't actually function as advertised. And the fact is, 15 years after bailouts turned pro, the majority of gobblers, when pressed, will admit that "the system is rigged."
And so it was that when I previewed the highlight video, sans disclaimer, I got a reaction I'd never gotten before with my previous work: the highlight video hit a chord in people, and they started--started--asking questions about what exactly happened four years ago, because the mainstream story was no longer totally adding up.
I'm convinced that's because the highlight video, unlike my previous ones, puts the real theme of BestEvidence right out there front and center: follow the money.
Money doesn't lie. Money doesn't just keep score, it is the score. And pretty much everyone knows it on some level. So maybe it shouldn’t have surprised me that follow-the-money is the best tool for cracking open the mainstream narrative that I’ve found since I went down the rabbit hole myself in 2008.
And what happened with the money during the (alleged) pandemic is one of those questions that can't be answered both thoroughly and honestly without tearing apart major panels in the facade, because the fingerprints on the money plan precede the big event itself by several months. I've shown that forensically and repeatedly on my channel, and that comes across in the preview, fleeting though it is.
It's a theme that resonates strongly with people, even gobblers. And really? Hardly any channels are actually following the money, because it's a lot of work and confetti videos pay so much better.
Today, as the western half of the debt-based monetary system comes apart at the seams at a dangerously accelerating pace, the mainstream lies needed to prop it up the crony system are more grotesque than ever (as you've probably noticed). So it's vital to get as many people as possible to snap out of their trance as quickly as possible.
The preview video is the most promising crack in the huge edifice of lies that I've found. Please share it. Thank you.
* Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. YouTube is in league with Moloch himself. Thing is, after 10 years my channel has 45,000 subscribers vs. 3% of that figure on other venues. So even with YouTube's heavy-handed shadowbanning of my work, I'm still reaching way more people there than elsewhere.
Thanks, man! It's short but I put some work into it. Hope you like it!
Hahaha. I can't feel my legs!!!