Look forward to the video. We are definitely living in strange times.

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Thanks for putting this in a format a smart 6th grader like me can understand. :) I really appreciate it!

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Since March, my mind and body can no longer relax and I have all kinds of bad physical symptoms (doctors can’t find a physical cause). I wonder if it’s because the spiritual realm is warning me that things are going to get really worse. Looking forward to your video, hoping that it contains some answers.

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Thanks for the heads up!

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Love the update here John! Thx & hopefully it tackles the YouTube algo issue of never showing me your vids 🥴

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Hey John, I recently listened to you discuss some of these things with Marty Bent and more. I don't have a concise paragraph for you to read but I like the video of Wences Casares shown explaining bitcoin and other details about previous "ledger technology." Video title is "Wences Casares Explains Bitcoin." My favorite part about bitcoin is the computer network continues to function as designed regardless of the psychopath's decisions about centralized macro/global planning and other evil deeds. I'm glad your skeptical and will continue to challenge the ideas of blind followers, thank you for all the hard work!

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Do we assume that all your videos will be posted first to YouTube in support of Google scraping and monetizing our data and allowing Google to continue to build its empire on your hard work? I respectfully submit that you may want to consider making your videos available to Substack subscribers FIRST via Odysee or Archive. (Ref: James Corbett's example.). Many thanks for considering!

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You are indeed a Saint, John. Much of the financial language and graphs goes over my head, but if I listen intuitively, I get the meaning. And have no alterior motive, except your genuine need to have Us Understand. Bless you. (From NZ)

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Looking very much forward to the video. Thanks for all the hard effort and work you've put into producing this video.

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Words cannot describe how important your work is to all Americans and me. Thank you for your service and hard work. Some day I know that the USA will be better in the future than in the past. Growing pains are not pleasant. They usually are very ugly and inhumane.

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"if you can’t get your story across, however complex, to a smart sixth-grader, you haven’t done your job," I strongly believe this too. My father always tried to break down complex matters and simplify them greatly so that youngsters could understand. As a long time educator and now independent journalist, I hope that I have carried his tradition.

You give a nice teaser to the video. If you say it is some of your best work, then after having watched All the Plenarys Men twice, it must be a heck of a piece.

I am a bit surprised that you say that it is regular depositors that seem to be driving the liquidity woes in the bank. Perhaps the masses are increasingly become distrustful of banks as they are of governments and preparing accordingly.

Unlike the pre-Great Depression period which lead to hundreds of bank failures, I think the factor above and the following will lead to the same result (concentration into mega-banks).

Before that, it is important to note that the mega-banks (JP Morgan, Citi, et al) are all **owners** of the Fed. Accordingly, their interest in the failure of the smaller/regional banks is quite obvious (for they can earn even heftier profits by eliminating the competition).

Looking ahead 3-5-10-20 years, the International Banking Cabal want a CBDC / CBDC new "Bretton-Woods" style technocratic infrastructure (i.e., with Digital ID, AI-driven surveillance). For this, in my opinion, I believe they want to pretty much eliminate regional/branch banks so that he masses can simply have a CBDC wallet at the Fed. Carbon credit score exceeded, sorry Joe your funds are frozen.

In other words, they can now completely bypass the legislators to control the people through the slavecoin CBDC. It would be a monumental power-grab that would further solidify their plan for a UN-WEF style global technocracy. Have a look at the very recent publications a Spring Meeting discussions of the IMF along with their posed UMU (Unicoin), Digital Currency Monetary Unit (DCMA) (plus the BIS' Icebreaker & Aurora projects) and you will see this clearly.

This could help facilitate and accelerate their depopulation efforts, for it wouldn't be too difficult to engineer food/climate scam/etc/etc crises to further loot and impoverish the masses.

But maybe that is just my cynical/pessimistic outlook of what the cabal has in store for us.

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re: "..1. Why the Long Interval Between the Last Video and This One, Guy?

It took me a really long time to produce this follow-up video for a few reasons....2.

John. Your 'work' is...*impeccable*! I'll spread this to, let's just say, People-with-the 'same'-credentials..

...Reading Forward now. Always a 100% -avec plasir, si vous plait. :)

Chris in Sweden

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Woohoo! Can’t friggin wait, JT. Cheers!

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John- did you see this article on where FRCs CEO landed


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Not exactly related, but didn't one of John's videos provide a list of false flag events that might be used to lock the country down again, to provide an opportunity to pump more cash into the system? The list had cyber attack on it which i still think is most likely, but it also had aliens on there (somewhat tongue in cheek i believe). But there's been a lot of mainstream alien talk recently, and then someone remembered this..


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