Yay! I'll listen to it when I go out and work on the garden! Plant food and pay cash are 2 very simple ways to fight back! Remember folks, if you can figure out to plant food to feed yourself, do so. Farming is the ultimate act of rebellion!

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What kind of stuff do you disagree with Corbett on?

I like him but he's a bit wishy washy on some things.

Example: he won't look deeper into the scam of every pandemic or "contagious" viruses.

The irony is that a lot of people who pushed back still think that bioweapons exist, even though the government were trying and trying and couldn't get shit to work. Instead, they killed people with the treatments.

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James Corbett's "How Big Oil Conquered The World" along with his work on psychopathy, were crucial in my process of comprehending the insane world we live in.

All the way from "The Sunny Climes of Western Japan", "The Professor" delivers, lol.

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The evolution of the British quest for a One World Global Empire, from John Ruskin to Cecil Rhodes to Lord Milner’s Round Table Group to William Yandell Elliott to Henry Kissinger to Klaus Schwab.

The Kissinger Continuum: The Unauthorized History of the WEF’s Young Global Leaders Program


Sir Henry Kissinger: Midwife to New Babylon


William Yandell Elliott


William Yandell Elliott: Confederate high priest


Kissinger and ‘Zbig’: Two Students of One Southern-Fried Fascist


The Origins of the Deep State in North America Part I: The Round Table Movement


New Revelations Shed Light on the British Roots of the Deep State


William Pritting Substack:


Richard Poe Substack:


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Love Whitney Webb! Patrick Wood is great, too. He wrote about the technocrats from the 30s in the 80s.

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The underlying premise of most historical events can be summarized as a struggle between those who seek a One-World Global Empire and those who seek to live within independent sovereign nation-states.

Modern history began when a group of Roman aristocratic families fled Rome to escape the approaching Germanic tribes from the north, and found refuge in the swampy marshes of the northwest Adriatic Sea in an area known as Venice.

These Venetian families built a seafaring and banking empire around northern Italy, Europe, and the Mediterranean Sea. When Constantinople fell to the Muslim Ottoman Turks in 1453, thereby cutting off the lucrative Silk Road trade route to Asia, the Venetian Oligarchy knew they had to move their base of trade operations from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic. First they moved their base from Venice to Amsterdam, then to London…..

Who Are The Globalist Fascist Oligarchy?


The Venetian Takeover of England


The Anglo-American Pilgrims Society (1902)


The British Oligarchy’s Fourth War on America


William Pritting Substack:


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Dr David E Martin was on Russel Brand talking about the drug cartels that have been around since the 1680s. The Catholic Church tried to stop usury in the 4th and 5th century and they wound up corrupted.

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How the British Invented Communism

(And Blamed It on the Jews)

The Untold Story of Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, MI6, and the Russian Revolution

SUMMARY: Was the Bolshevik Revolution fake? Was Lenin’s 1917 coup little more than a “color revolution,” a staged event, orchestrated by foreign intelligence services? Strong evidence suggests that it was. In the 1920s, prominent Russian exiles accused Great Britain of plotting the Tsar’s downfall. George Buchanan, British ambassador to Russia from 1910 to 1918, devoted 16 pages of his 1923 memoir to denying this charge. But the charge was true. The British secret services had destabilized Russia, just as they had previously destabilized France in 1789. They had infiltrated and weaponized the Bolsheviks, just as they had previously weaponized the Jacobin movement against Louis XVI. While the Tsar was technically Britain’s ally in World War I, British elites feared that a victorious Russia would threaten Britain’s global dominance. Bolshevism provided the solution, demolishing the Tsar’s once-mighty empire, and plunging Russia into chaos and civil war.


Greedy for power and Persian oil fields, King George V of England plotted the overthrow of his cousin Tsar Nicholas II.


What was happening in Russia (and Germany and China and Japan) that was such a threat to Great Britain that the British knew they had to destroy Russia (and Germany and China and Japan) in order to preserve the British Empire?

The answer: RAILROADS and The American System of Political Economy.

The British Empire was based upon domination and control of the High Seas and strategic choke points between those Seas, like the Suez Canal.

The advent of the Steam Locomotive and cross-country railway tracks was an existential threat to Britain’s domination of global trade through its extensive colonial possessions.

The American System of Political Economy being adopted by Britain’s major competitors was an existential threat to the British System of Imperialism & Colonialism.

History of Globalism: The American System of Political Economy Vs The British System of Political Economy


The “Global” American System of Political Economy:

Russia, Germany, China, Japan, Ireland


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Churchill was blackmailed and bankrolled by Robert Waley Cohen.


He later regretted exchanging the British Empire for a small Zionist state.

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Hi JT, your friend Corbett has certain narratives he can't look at, proof of Sars virus, and dangers of 5g.

Proof of these things is not my opinion, he actively says so, links to such are herein this post, at top of short clip of him and Broze, then investigation on what he does and doesnt say on 5g on his site-his post on 5G with Broze actively discouraged listeners to think about 5G and Covid.


There are both govt docs and research papers proving no Sars virus has been found, and published papers showing 5G correlated with illness cases in certain locations in 2020. I wont bother this comment with them.

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Fair enough. But to me the more fundamental point is that there was no replicating virus. I don't need to get as far into the weeds to understand that much.

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Fair enough John! But now 4.5 yrs into it you should read the most impactful research paper of all of humanity: https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/proton-magic-falls-for-fan-wu

I explain it simply in a 5 min read.

👉And there is no such thing as a non-replicating virus because no virus has ever been found by anyone--ever. This is just BS to make us think asymptomatic people are still cases, so....get an injection.

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Husband was "kidnapped" from a local hospital's ER in Maine on May 17, 2021 whereby the fake PCR test was used, and husband was declared to have covid and "locked up" for 9 days in a newly created covid unit UNTIL (there is always an until) I could figure out how to advocate for him and get him released which I was successful.

Can't find a lawyer to take this case.

Thanks for sharing the link.

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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Never go to a hospital

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Husband fell on the bathroom floor, and he had a head injury that obviously needed sutures.

Who would have thought THEN that a kidnap would occur using the ER?

NO one!

And yes, avoiding hospitals "nowadays" is the answer if one can help it, of course!

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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Getting this virus crap out peoples head is beyond hope. Word dis function imprinted permanently! If I can do it so can these useful idiots. Words matter! I have deleted subscriptions on Substack to avoid any subliminal under mining my this word think w/o thinking. Fuk em as it’s red line time…

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Let's stay focused on the problem humanity faces with the debt based/fiat monetary system and corruption. For me, everything else is of secondary importance.

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If you're dead from a eugenics injection because you believed in a virus how will you be able to change the monetary system? The virus belief is THE WAY society will not be able to change the system because there will be no more society as we know it.

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Lots of doctors fell for the virus nonsense, and many still do.

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I believe in viruses and chose not to get injected. Many members of my family chose the shots but not one death in my entire family yet. However many appear to have declined in health significantly after multiple doses. Some proportion I tend to think is directly related to multiple injections causing derangements in their immunological systems.

Your argument is valid and I agree of critical importance. However, your comment was off topic and not appropriate for this thread. Yet you felt compelled to inject your comment here. Eerily similar to the story we are told about how a virus hijacks the machinery of a cell in order to replicate itself.

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I think you missed it Shawn, JT talked about Corbett, not knowing his huge narrative missing/avoiding problems. That is directly related to this thread as that is a topic the author himself brought up-not me. He said, "I've trusted Corbett for a long time." You did read that part right? I mean, we are native English speakers in the same reality right?

Now, a virus is defined as an replication and illness-transmission competent particle, you'd need to confirm isolation of a particle by purification, then characterize that particle, but that has never been done for any virus ever. So no viruses have ever been found, virology is pseudoscience, and > 220 health authorities do not have any record of finding a sars particle


nor did the original "discovery" paper of sars find a particle.


If Corbett cant discuss these things and if he may puppeted by certain interests in the Global crime syndicate, that is quite relevant to the topic the author himself brings up.

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Ok. Fair enough. I am willing to tolerate debate about both topics. I believe all roads here will lead us back to a giant fortress filled to the brim with money lenders surrounded by their paid servants.

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The fiat system is morphing into a data-based control grid with a planetary lockdown via the COVID gag and the WHO/UN non-elected officialdom. The jab turns people into non-human cryptocurrency in a militarized 5G geo-engineered SMART city. It's true that most people don't understand fiat currency so it's important as a starting point but they've been working on the Technocracy infrastructure for a few decades along with the Secret Space program to be rolled out as Agenda 21/30.

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Imagine taking an EXPERIMENTAL jab for a disease so "DEADLY" that you had to be TESTED to see if you even HAD "IT!"

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Down under in New Zealand we have a Cerberus Govt ;The Crown's NZ govt ,Blackrock and partners of the illegitimate govt Maori (one group of early settlers that the banksters and the UN declared" indigenous" )Freemasons.

Its uber Woke. They are currently allegedly burning healthy bees -going on about a fake bee disease (https://www.1news.co.nz/2024/05/18/nz-scientists-hope-to-end-afb-a-devasting-bee-disease/)that they say they will cure with a bacteria phage (they now absurdly call a " virus" )they say they will put in sugar water and feed it to bees. So the story is a subtle anti American meme with a BS "virus" meme.

Yeah Substack is full of controlled op blogs and AI comentators , thats what it was designed for putting ( burying)actual opposing narrative at the bottom of the $tack.

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In the book called "Gold Matters" (2021) by Ego von Greyerz and Matthew Pieppenburg (from Switzerland) which I have in my library, says on page 87 "But what is perhaps most disturbing, is the fact that Covid was ironically a temporary gift to those already central-bank-spoiled markets."

They continue to state "Covid 19 was the best thing that ever happened to an otherwise broken global market system."

They further say "The Dollar crisis - not enough of them heading into 2020."

They persist in sharing " One can't over-emphasIze enough how important the supply - or "liquidity" - U.S Dollars are to keeping the rigged wheels of the global banks, money markets and inter-bank exchanges greased and turning."

They go on to state on page 88 "In late 2019, for example, we saw the first deadly symptoms that interest rates were rising beyond the control of the Federal Reserve due to a lack of available dollars. By this, we are referring to the extraordinary, single-day rate spike in the on-so-critical (yet entirely misunderstood and hidden) repo (bank repurchasing) markets which took place in September of 2019. "

People would be wise in reading this book about fake covid as there is "too much" to share what they wrote about covid.

Their website is egonvongreyerz.gold


Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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Thanks for this reference.

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May 20·edited May 20

The world is a stage and there are actors on it who are allowed a large audience. I can't imagine that James Corbett would be so well known and comfortably off if he really was saying things that troubled the global power brokers.

Substack itself and the alternative media is all part of the re-set. In a game scenario based on blockchain technology and tokens based on smart contracts, what we think and do will all be monitored. Bio health and mental well being will be markets as will nearly everything else that can be made into a commodity, including our bodies.

Japan is an important country in this work and I believe that is where James Corbett lives comfortably. The aim seems to be to change our society and economy so in effect we will be living in a digital open prison.


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"Allowed" to have a large audience? Youtube shut down his channels and then eventually gave one back without explanation. If he was promoted by the algorithm like Ben Shapiro or Lex Friedman you would have a point. But Corbett has only been hidden and suppressed.

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Corbett is prominent in the "resistance", has a large audience and is cross promoted. He has a professional website and makes a good living doing his job. Any video discussing him as controlled opposition is taken down. His youtube channel was taken down then given back? Well, they would do that wouldn't they?

Sometimes what you thought was a red pill, was really a purple pill. They need a resistance that is managed and observed.

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I havent watched or read any of Edward James Corbett stuff. I am skeptical as I saw one thing he did on JFK( which was a big central bankster psyop)where he only debunked the silver cert myth. Kennedys are bankster minions. ... Maybe he just doesn't know?!( I doubt it)

The strong images he uses are memes. Dis-empowering the opposition is the name of their game if you see that and use of non sequitur... hmmm.

Remembering that in real time they know how much is relative truth is widely believed and thats why so many speaking half truths ( and encouraging fear, us vs them essentially helplessness)are so very popular.

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Who are you claiming is protecting Corbett by taking down videos critical of him? YouTube? Outlandish.

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If this and the links in here, esp by Omar Jordon dont get you


then put JC's name in the search term upper right here


then do an in-page search for JC on each page in the results

It's a big club and we ain't in it.

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The media is controlled, including social media. You tube is part of that game and anyone on there with a large following is allowed to be on there. Videos questionning Corbett are very hard to find as they have been censored, not just on You tube but on other sites too.

But no individual is worthy of too much of our time or else we are playing the game within their rules.

The recent covid ‘trigger event’ may have been to fast-track the billionaire/ruling class agenda leading to the thorough enslavement of humanity using new technologies including AI, surveillance systems and blockchain. That is what we should be talking about eg token economics and community currencies coming in via corporations while people are distracted by talk of CBDCs and the WEF.

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To get a jumpstart on the inevitable Trump-bashing and Operation Warp Speed….

Trump is not a medical doctor and most certainly doesn’t have any expertise in infectious diseases and global pandemics. All Presidents must rely upon the advice of government-paid experts in their various fields of expertise. No one, except maybe RFK Jr, had any suspicion that the “experts” at the NIH and CDC were globalist traitors working for the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy who sought to intentionally instigate a mass depopulation pandemic.

Trump’s Operation Warp Speed might actually have saved humanity from the clutches of the Globalists and a lifetime of enslavement, by producing a vaccine years earlier than the Globalists had planned.

The Globalists thought they could instigate “The Great Collapse of Society” by shutting-down the global economy and forcing everyone to live in isolation, while they leisurely worked to develop a vaccine. After a few years of lockdown the global economy would be destroyed and then the Globalists could “Build Back Better” a One-World NWO.

Trump’s Operation Warp Speed thwarted the Globalist’s plans by getting a vaccine produced in record time and getting everyone back to work and resuming their normal lives.

Remember, Trump NEVER made it mandatory for people to get the vaccine!

Why did Trump push the covid vaccines? Is he part of the cabal?



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Yes, he is part of the cabal in that he works for them just like Biden and Kennedy. All of the leaders do or else they don't get to power or they are taken out.

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You have no clue about what you are insinuating.

Where’s your evidence and proof?

Keep your ignorant biased opinions to yourself!

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If you believe that the leading politicians are not there to do a job for the powers behind the scene, I doubt if anything I write on substack will change your mind. If the story you like to live in includes a hero who is a US president, I can understand that is attractive. Trump may have gone off script a few times and been hard to control, I can give you that.

Getting people emotional is exactly what the cabal wants as it leads to division and distraction. The building of a new global economy and society using de-centralised technology with a new type of "democracy" replacing the old red/blue split is the goal.

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Still no evidentiary facts or proofs, just more ignorant opinion.

The USA is currently divided between three political parties:

Socialist Democrats

Fascist RINOs

America First MAGA Patriots

The Socialist Democrats and Fascist RINOs are Heads &Tails of the same Globalist coin who seek to abolish the USA as an independent sovereign nation, seek to abolish the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, and seek to subordinate Americans under the dictates of the UN-WEF-WHO-BIS-NATO cabal.

The America First MAGA Patriots, under Trump’s leadership, seek to preserve the USA as an independent sovereign nation, seek to preserve the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, and seek international trade agreements with all of the other independent sovereign nations.

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@munchy is quite logical and polite, calling people ignorant just diminishes your position. You can call me names too if you want, I expect it.

Now DJT's persona has been very well crafted over many decades to confuse us, and including all his fake fights and legal cases vs the democrats. With that as a backdrop, I will put a short note here without prejudice.

In 2019 I had been quite fooled by many good things he did. Now I realize about him and about the psyop of letting you think things could be made well-because he then had to do something very bad…a genocide and the start of the takedown of the US.

His dad was doing shady things and his uncle analyzed Tesla's papers. Tesla being a crucial inventor of many devices and concepts related to DEWs, electrogravitronics and other tech the NWO uses to control the world. I learned that DJT was bailed out by the Rothchilds thru Wilbur Ross (Rothie Operative) in the 90s (he made Wilbur his Sec of Commerce), he was playing Pres of the people on his left hand and full on with the deadly vax in his right hand, hired and kept hiring deep state people in his cabinet, and made a pathetic objection to the election steal.

Trump could have fired Fauci and Birx and stopped the military roll out of the vax that had NO TOXICITY STUDIES, nor did he request a few independent review boards of the virus, pandemic and the vax. He only said the vax was the most wonderful thing which sounds like Free Mason double speak. It doesn’t make sense that we know about the eugenics movement, Club of Rome, the Rockies Lockstep document, and their depopulation council etc, but DJT wouldn’t know about it?

Could DJT be part of NY crime, just a little bit:

Put Donald Trump in the search term at the top here then do an in-page search of each result: https://worldcrimesyndicate.blogspot.com/

Here, Trump is a Free Mason and Trump tower is a occult temple:


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Yes, I understand that is the picture being painted. Whether the USA has ever been an independent sovereign nation is a mute point.

The system we live in was there when we were born and now it is being changed. The old way has run out of steam as the debts are too big and the oil is too small. Fact. The metaverse is a global project and the USA has signed up for it as much as China, India, Russia, UK etc.

Politicians are puppets and can be taken out at will. Witness recent events. Characters like Trump are there to get popular support and to take it nowhere or to cause division.

However, I like your story and hope it comes true.

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Jared Kushner, who comes from the Sheldon Adelson wing of Zionism, is Zion Don's handler.

The jab was already on the shelf ready to go by the way.

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16

Hi John. I think many of us are interested to know where the USA-Israel war/genocide against the indigenous Palestinians (and now Lebanon) places itself in this whole story? How relevant is it? Can it destroy the dollar? What financial goal does the US have for this war, if there Is any?

P.S. You vidoes are awesome. I wish you had regular written updates on the US financial system and dominance based on new events/news.

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Could mass migration be part of monetary policy as well?

In 2021, unending waves of border crossings became widely talked about around the same time that high inflation was becoming widely talked about. I suspect that someone told the Biden admin that the quickest way to soak up the large number of new dollars is to rapidly increase the number of consumers.

Have you explored this idea anywhere? (I just discovered you through Corbett's Rumble channel)

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John, COVID was a manufactured virus (bioweapon). If you want the evidence, I will cite it It wasn’t and still isn’t harmless. Neither is the vaccine safe and effective! It is also a biowespon‼️

Also, I watched your recent Twitter video with Fitts. Trump/Vance are not perfect, but compared to Harris/Waltz, they look like angels‼️

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The question isn't whether it's harmless--no such thing. The question is whether it's materially harmful over and above the baseline threshold of garden variety flus and colds going around since the dawn of man.

And yeah, I'll need evidence for that one, 'cuz no one's supplied any yet. Best of luck.

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Hello folks this is a bit random but we round up some Dublin artists to help the justice4aaronbrady campaign, hearing in the central criminal court at Euston next Wednesday his father is fighting back (it's his campaign) it's really to help him, his loyalty towards his son is very inspiring. Thanks very random but please reply with ideas about who might help.with raising solidarity through art.

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Awesome to see you and James Corbett together! You guys are the best. Explaining in easy to understand terms what ACTUALLY happened. You guys painted broad strokes about the dollar and the current monetary paradigm, and the segment discussing war and the dollar made me think... I'm curious as to your thoughts on Mark Carney's multipolar system and whether there's any relation to the increasing international bellicosity, as well as its precession by the explosion in crypto and Bitcoin (and it's coverage in the media). Besides the "going direct" Blackrock Plan, in hindsight, the other remarkable plan from Jackson Hole was Mark Carney's speech outlining a multipolar international monetary and financial system as the first best solution to "alleviating the downward pressures on the global equilibirium interest rate that an asymmetric system can exert" and suggesting a Synthetic Hegemonic Currency, something like stablecoin Libra, "perhaps through a network of central bank digital currencies". BIS stooges seem to like the currency-backed stablecoins. I also can't help to draw the parallel as well with Larry Fink recently describing Bitcoin as "like digital gold" compared to Stanford economists Krishnamurthy and Lustig presenting at Jackson Hole 2019 (as well) that the dollar had become like gold.

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"Stanford economists Krishnamurthy and Lustig presenting at Jackson Hole 2019"

Interesting, do you happen to have a link (saving my lazy a$$ the effort)?

Carney is incorrigible.

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Thank you for the quick response, sorry for the wait...

The 2019 Jackson Hole paper: https://www.kansascityfed.org/Jackson%20Hole/documents/6963/Krishnamurthy_JH2019.pdf

"Dollar is like gold" phrase comes from a Bloomberg article following Jackson Hole 2019 (I don't have a Bloomberg sub, so free from the LA Times):


But the "dollar is like gold" phrase, as funny as that sounds, comes I think from the characterization in the Jackson Hole paper that "during financial crises, dollar liquidity is the world’s most desired asset", with "dollar liquidity provided by safe dollar bonds". But that's not the point of the paper exactly. The context of the Krishnamurth and Lustig paper I think is made clearer in the last paragraph.

Krishnamurthy and Lustig published another paper on this whole topic in 2023, "Dollar Safety and the Global Financial Cycle". I haven't read the whole paper, but section 4.6 "The New Triffin Dilemma" states the problem, where the dollar is a growing global risk:


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Hi John, I am pkadams. Thank you for an extremely interesting reply to my question. Most people in my real life hate talking about money so it was a real pleasure to hear it discussed so eloquently. I look forward to reading your stack.

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Neither Mr. Corbett's page or Screenshot of Mr. Titus' interview even mentions or pictures JT. Seems appropriate to do that.

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