In the day and age of not needing physical storage of money, why do we still need private banks to borrow from the fed and mark it up and lend it back to us?

Maybe going direct is also good in that it cuts out the tons of bullshit finance jobs. None of these jobs produce anything. They're middlemen that charge you for what they get from the fed.

Simplify the system, cut out the parasites.

Hopefully after that, we can nationalize the central bank.

(It's only the older generations that worship private finance and they'll be out of the picture in a bit.)

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They had John Fitzgerald Kennedy put to death so the fed could take over our money supply and put us all in dept over our ears. So far it’s been happening. So what are their plans when we can’t pay the interest on their crooked interest payments? We lose the United States incorporated. We all become slaves to the fed. Close em down now. Kennedy didn’t want them and we voted for him and not them. Don’t let this go without challenging them for what they did. We owe them nothing as far as I’m concerned. Quit paying them now. They got more from us then they deserved

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Those who paid a little attention over the last few decades, starting at the early nineties (the start of the climate/global warming hoax, resulting in Agenda 2030/Great Reset/4th Industrial Revolution), must have noticed that our western economies are based upon financial speculation.

Speculation creating a 4 quadrillion derivatives bubble, as big as >20 times the global GDP. Many have profited, that's why there's not much objection, but what it most importantly did, was consolidating and centralizing power and control.

Although, yes, the central banks have been key in making this happen over the centuries, now, since 2019, we're effectively being ruled by the 4 investment banking conglomerates, having Blackrock as its "frontman", distributing our 4+ trillion tax dollars you showed to their friends around the globe.

No western country would have been able to survive the economic shutdown during the covid hoax, without stealing our wealth or what is left of it, in order to redistribute it to their friends via the central banks, as ordered by Blackrock. A simple way to find out who benefitted is to look at who became multi billionaires over night, but also by studying the "Inflation Reduction Act" (which is another term for Agenda 2030). An act, called different names, copied around the mainly western world, serving Agenda 2030.

In short, nation states, and again, mainly western civilizations are hugely in debt, just like most individuals, by private banking conglomerates who print money out of thin air and on top of that use usury to maximize debt-enslavement. Whose bread one eats, his word one speaks.

Or in other words, as evidenced by the collapse of our and the European "economies", the Fed and central banks' independence feed the rich at the expense of the poor. Centralizing profits and socializing debt. The start of the answer is abolishing the Fed, decentralize money creation and take back sovereignty.

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Congress should write a new lease for its money printing house, one that extends transparency to include the largest individual shareholders of the Fed's member banks. I suspect they are the same people that own the European Central Bank, and some sunlight would do them good, and maybe get their minds off war.

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The only thing we have to fear is fear of the Fed itself.

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"Inflation is always and everywhere a MONETARY phenomenon." - Milton Friedman

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My only quibble is that congress did not give the Fed carte blanche during the scamdemic because they were afraid of The (non-existent) Virus™️, which is evident by the countless examples of politicians and bureaucrats, who were “in the know”, caught out and about without their muzzles or following any of the other absurd, humiliating, and harmful rules they imposed on the rest of us.

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A very solid observation.

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Congress may have looked the other way but the Feds actions of inflating their balance sheet with non-bank asset purchases and loans were approved by the Secretary of Treasury (Mnuchin) as required by law - sec 13 (3) of the Federal Reserve Act and capitalization provided by the Cares Act passed by Congress and signed by Trump.

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Damn right. The job of academia is to confuse and distract from the THEFT going on behind the scenes.

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