I listened yesterday, truly appreciated the interview/exchange, and would love to interview you on Post-Woke one day.

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I just emailed you. Let's figure out when and how...

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Former FBI director Comey was also on the board of HSBC

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Great work on exposing the banksters and their fictional reserve ponzi scheme .

I can answer your question "why now" it because RFK Jr has been discredited in his part maintaining the covid narrative ( psyop) and naturally will be used to cover the banking red light district .

Do you not think its odd his popping up right now after people have questioned his not telling people the truth= ie not telling people there are no " viruses" and there is no " covid" (that covid was a psyop) he was maintaining the narrative covid and germ theory .They would want their controlled opposition player RFK Jr on the banks as that was what the Kennedy crime family was known, popular and used for. It gets him back credibility hes lost, now he is wormed in and associated with your work exposing the banksters , which is genuine.

JFK was in truth and should be known as the Vietnam warmonger and CIA's Cuban infestation . JFK was a charismatic media celeb puppet, a mind control propagandist tool, like all bankster appointed Presidents of their corporations.

"It’s a bit odd, I thought, his request for an interview, in that I released the video onto YouTube over five years ago.

RFK jr is a controlled opposition player .

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Wow great piece! Gives an "up periscope" look at an example of how the Mr Global apparatus gets their conspiracies done. We can see all the pieces moving in the same direction but it's rare we actually get to see the "wind" that is blowing everything in the same direction... Thank you for this!

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I watched All The Plenary Men about 10 times. It is absolutely fantastic work,John

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Thanks John. Big fan of your work.

> RFK Jr.’s stance with respect to vaccines is ... not only rational, it’s public-spirited as well....

With all due respect, I disagree that fighting the SYMPTOMS (vaccines, masks, lockdowns) while giving to ROOT CAUSES (Fake Virus, Fake Disease, Fake Pandemic) a Free Pass, is rational.

The BIG PROBLEM with Bobby, whom I greatly respect and admire for his many years of environmental work, & esp. for helping NY fight Fracking & Pipelines for nearly a decade, whom I consider a friend and colleague, and for his good work exposing the harms of Vaccines, is that he seems to be running a Limited Hangout (Children's Health Defense), w/r/t CoNvid.

Some of the truth is revealed. While much seems to be deliberately covered up. It's so strange.

Despite what some of my good friends say, within the realm of speculation & judgement, I don't judge the man based on what his possible motivations might be.

But CHD is clearly BIASED.

They are biased in the courts, because of the type of cases they are selecting. And they are biased within the editorial pages of Children's health Defense's newsletter/blog, The Defender.

They are getting involved in TRIVIAL BATTLES in court, like swimming in the minutiae of collective bargaining agreements, the quagmire of medical or religious exemptions, instead of working on a general scheme to free everyone. WTF.

Fighting the "Countermeasures" while ignoring Root Causes. Yeah that makes a lot of sense to me. (Actually, NOT)

Give me a freaking break. Tedium OVERLOAD.

And the type of expert witnesses they are calling. Marty Makary!? This bloke is not only a Virus Pusher, he's also pro-vax! What tha...?

But the biggest issue I have is that everyone is listening to the public statements that Bobby and Mary et al are making, and they're thinking "I'm going to give money to CHD because they are going to expose this fraud that has happened to us for the last 2.5 years, and make everything right in the courts".

And John, as an attorney, I know that you know this would involve so-called "impact litigation". These are cases intended to radically change (or restore) the status quo.

This means carefully choosing cases to push the desired agenda, in this case, restoring the pre-CONVID status quo (not just seeking narrow victory for one's clients, the typical operating mode of attorneys).

We actually don't want to alter the status quo. The status quo was altered in 2020, by actors unknown pulling the strings of "The Production", as you call it.

But we can't hope to find the bad actors involved, if we do not mark the boundaries of the crime scene correctly.

We cannot hope to find the proper perpetrators, if we stipulate to a demarcation of the crime scene as defined by said perps.

This is what my good friend Bobby is doing.

"The virus" (or the lack of evidence thereof) is the ULTIMATE KILL SHOT for the entire narrative!

Why would you avoid the ultimate kill shot?

Saving it for a rainy day? Waiting for the right moment for dramatic effect? Maybe we don't want to disturb the courts with an argument that they are not ready to hear. (I actually heard this from someone once, swear to God, not saying from who!)

Let's look at the players beyond Bobby: Aaron Siri, Reiner Fuellmich, Mary Holland, Tom Renz, ... These are some of the top attorneys on the planet!

These folks know how to do a finding a fact! So what's with this giant blind spot that they all have?

Every freaking one of these people, whom I greatly admire and think that they're super lawyers!!! They are all a class i call, "Virus Pushers Against Clotshots".

Mary Holland, Bobby Kennedy, Aaron Siri, Tom Renz, Reiner Fuellmich... It makes no sense to me.

Why would you stipulate to the crime scene as demarcated by the perp?

In 2.5 years why would you not have found by now the work of Dr Andrew Kaufman; Dr Tom Cowan; Dr Stefan Lanka; Drs Mark and Sam Bailey; Christine Massey, MSc; Dr Kevin Corbett, Mike Stone, Eric F. Coppolino, Jon Rappoport, Dr Eleni Papadopoulos-Eleopolis!!! (This is not a complete list, but many of the core people from #TeamNoVirus)

Why have these top attorneys UTTERLY FAILED to give these scientists, and medical doctors, and journalists a fair hearing?

It's so bizarre!

I've worked with attorneys!

I know how they think.

I know how they operate.

Reminds me of the short story by Orson Scott Card, called "Unaccompanied Sonata". Where the young musical prodigy set up with the perfect instrument, and the perfect life of performing his original music, as long as it remained uncorrupted... Who got busted for listening to Bach, because the elders noticed he was avoiding natural fugues.

Children's Health Defense (CHD), Informed Action Consent Network (ICAN), and the German Corona Investigative Committee (Corona Ausschuss) are all OBVIOUSLY "avoiding fugues".

I don't know what is the nature of the bias, John. But I'm telling you there is a bias there.

Push the virus, fight the vaccines.

That's like fighting the belly fat, while giving the double meat XL supreme pizzas a free pass.

You know what Bobby could do to redeem himself? Feature 👉Christine Massey👈 from Ontario on his program, and as an expert witness in court, and within the journalistic and editorial pages of The Defender.

Over 200 Institutions have respond to Christine's FOI requests from 40 nations. NOBODY HAS THE FxxKING VIRUS.


Corman Drosten team didn't have the virus when they made their PCR.

Moderna didn't have the virus when they made their vaccine.

CDC didn't have the virus when they made their vaccines.


👉 No virus?

🛑 No Disease.

👉 No Disease?

🛑 No Pandemic.

👉 No Pandemic?

🛑 No need for any of the Countermeasures.

The ultimate kill shot.

Why does Bobby ignore Christine Massey? How can Reiner Fuellmich ignore Christine Massey? She had Physical Evidence. She has built this record herself! How can Bigtree/ICAN/The Highwire ignore Christine?

FOR SOME STRANGE REASON, they seem to be pushing a swindle: the LIE if SARS-CoV-2.

I don't know the source of this bias, John.

But I'm going to expose it.

Bobby is a friend, but this is extremely important.

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Comprehending that The Virus and The Pandemic are manufactured is beyond the reach of most people -- and I'd say Bobby has his hands full at the moment. No V or P is difficult, but try contemplating that germ theory is probably also untrue or at least incomplete. Some guy started writing about it, someone called him an epidemiologist, posthumously, and that's how germ theory was spawned. ICYMI John Rappaport has done some beautiful work on applying logic to shed light on the entire you know what mess. In short, his rational observations highlight what econometricians (those who use research methods to infer causation) fear most -- Omitted Variable Bias. This problem is a principle linchpin in determining causation, it even has a well recognized acronym OVB. Good news... Rappaport is not a member of the Hoity-Toity blob. He is neither an epidemiologist or virologist or microbiologist or any other 'ologist. He's a good old fashioned journalist. Find his work on The P nonsense here: https://www.nomorefakenews.com/

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Many dont understand controlled opposition, MK ULTRA and haven't researched the Kennedy elitist- crime family .

RFK Jr dialog is the one narrative that claims viruses and convid19 are real.

Doesn't mean Bobby's not charismatic .

Though a few very popular peeps on the truth trail are in denial of my claim of controlled opposition existing and that they have infiltrated with non sequiturs , the more unpleasant fact that media mind control( programming) is really happening and that some big supposed "opposition players" are controlled as then they still maintain the narrative( of the ego, of fear and ignorance).

Media can only program at the level of ego mind( that deals in fear) so as soon as you are enlightened( not mastered by the ego) , hey you are free.

The central banking cabal want a reset of fear ( they need it for control)when a shift to love paradigm is needed.

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The bottom of the rabbit hole is the dual seed line in Genesis chapters 3,4 &5, and especially that Jesus is the Messiah Son of God. These are the foundation of all truths to build your life upon The Rock. The sons of satan rule this realm. Money and the pursuit/love of it, is their # 1 tool. As we can all see it works rather well. Don't fall into their trap, love life and your creator, not money.

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RFK Jr, his website, Catherine Austin Fitts and others are having a conference in Knoxville in late October. New book coming for Kennedy and he's showing a doc about Fauci. Check out the info. Would be great if John Titus appears. Support the alternative truth tellers.


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John, I just finished listening to the interview on the RFK podcast, I have a few questions:

1) Does, or how does, the queen's death tie into this?

2) Biden is sending boatloads of our money to the Ukraine, how do his and Hunters criminal actions tie into what you're saying about these central banks?

3) Does this play a role too - 'The Revolutionarys' ("These" United States, not The United States, Inc. of DC) still owe EU banks (the same debt King George also backed to hedge his bets) $6-$18 million from their loan in 1789 (the original amount borrowed to establish the 13 states that has never been paid off)? Does this fact have anything to do with these global central banks who appear to be forging out to collect on those debts? (I'm sure other countries have debt with these banksters too hence a global collapse). In other words, are these banks essentially calling/collecting on those debts while at the same time setting up their NWO/global cartel as the form of governance to be applied after they collect?

4) Being that 'These United States' (the 48 "Constitutional States" not under the "Legislative Democracy" of DC) are under different jurisdiction than the separate nation of Washington DC, is there anything that We the People can and should be doing, or doing differently, that the "United States, Inc." cannot or will not do? And, do we, of These United States, have access to any type of legal course against these banks and criminals that The United States, Inc. doesn't have or will not do?

I hope this makes sense. I'm not expert on any of this, I just see some connections and think that just maybe we, being a separate entity which is not a Democracy but a Republic, that we can do.

Thanks so much John for all of the fine work you've done to bring awareness and clarity to this wicked criminal nightmare we've all been forced into.

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I personally hold that the days of shooting presidents and AG's are behind us, as I don't think the establishment anticipated how much unwanted scrutiny the JFK murder (as well as RFK and MLK, but especially JFK), brought on. Decades of scrutiny! For someone at the level of Seth Rich, sure, but for higher level folks, when the time comes, it will be something other than an assassin's bullet.

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John. Is there a way we could discuss the tentacles of HSBC when the attorney that represented a woman that was destroyed by HSBC by a wrongful foreclosure and then that same attorney representing another family is now home less after once again a wrongful foreclosure by the same cast of characters while an eight year and counting domestic terror campaign is lodged against innocent currently home less citizens?

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Nice one, JT! So, in a game where the penalty for standing up to the “mafiacracy” is death or dismemberment or an entire range of other beastly tortures followed by death, what can “we the people do” to set things right?

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If you read the Declaration of Independence, you'll see that the colonists were complaining of their own criminal government. Like us, they didn't live under the rule of law; for them it was the rule of man (George III) who was a criminal.

So one answer to your question is, we revolt. Taking a vote or otherwise trying to meet criminality with legality isn't going to work.

A less drastic answer is that as many of us as possible need to publicly humiliate our overlords as often and as intensely as possible. Glenn Greenwald gave a fantastic presentation on the rule of law in which he says:

"In a free and healthily functioning political culture, people who wield power do so with great fear of the consequences of what will happen if they abuse that power. They fear the people over whom they're exercising that power. The fear they have of abusing their power might be legal--they fear that they're gonna be investigated or prosecuted. It might be reputational--that they'll perceive or fear that they will live in disgrace and shame if they abuse their power. It may be physical--that they fear that they will be attacked or even killed. But some necessary, healthy fear has to reside in the heart of those who wield power about the consequences of what will happen if they abuse power in order for our society to be free."

"And in a tyrannical society, the exact opposite framework happens, which is that those over whom power is wielded fear their government, fear the people who are the most powerful factions in the society because they know that that power can be exercised without constraint. And I think that latter dynamic is the one that now prevails when the American citizenry thinks about how they relate to their government and to those who are most powerful in the society. It's a climate of fear that has been cultivated and sustained by virtue of powerful factions being able to operate without constraints."


Absent that kind of pressure, though, that fear instilled by an angry public, the only way out is revolution. Or we can submit and be slaves.

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Holy shit. Thanks for the answer. Hope you can make it to Knoxville with CAF next month. Would enjoy getting to meet you and thank you in person. Cheers and keep going!

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The first problem with your and Greenwalds and population in general is the exclusion

of the "psychopathic mind set/brain" some people have. The second problem are you

voted them into power, so dont blame the "psychopath" for creating a mafia system but

your self for your ignorance and arrogance of/to the "psychopathic" mindset. You can

newer have a free and healthily functioning political culture unless the psychopath are

blocked. Everything else is merely Hegelian dialectics psychopaths feed the public while

they do their dirty work some rabbits hole levels down.

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John, I'm listening to the Yale lecture you posted in your reply. So then is this why we're seeing so many people and states wanting to free prisoners? I mean because if everyone is to be under the same laws then since the criminals at the top who get away with stuff then it would also mean, for equity purposes of course, criminals should go free, not be arrested or be stopped by police, or no bond set, or why even bother having police let's just defund them.

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Dear John-Any thoughts on the WEF, the Vatican calling all of its chips back to the home bank by the end of this month , and the general role of Satanism in shaping the now obvious trends in global socio-economic policy? (communo-fascism +digital monetary system). Slavery? Methinks we are well on our way. What can stop it? Revolution? No...it's more than just u.s.

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Holy shit! Where have you been?! Honestly, I dunno what to think, at least right now. There are too many moving parts for my 4-bit processor to handle at once. A revolution would be nice, yeah, but talk about a long shot....

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It the great awakening John. This isn't a 40 or 80 year reset but much longer I believe. I think we will be reexamining the the very concept of usury again. Something that was outlawed by the Vatican until a few hundred years ago. The banking system today is ungodly more than likely Satanic, essentially creating something from nothing. Interesting that Russia is today working to establish a gold backed Ruble again. Your thoughts? Really enjoy following your work by the way!

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Funny you say that because I thought you had stopped making videos on YouTube. I subscribe to your channel...never got any alerts. then recently there was a new Best Evidence post in my recommended and I watched it and went "Holy shit! John has been cranking out new material all this time". So, I have been trying to catch up. And yes, a recreation of rebel farmers with muskets is most probably not in the cards. I was thinking that a super stealth, strategic Delta Force team might be the way to go. ...or how about a group of old ladies with blow darts? I have to watch "The List of Adrian Messenger" again. Maybe there are some good ideas in there.

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Looking forward to listening to this interview. I first came across your videos John at the start of the plandemic. Brilliant! In an alternative universe where people are encouraged to embrace critical thinking and deep inquiry about complex matters you would have millions of subscribers. Thank you for your diligent investigative work, much appreciated.

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Good interview

I would not underestimate the ability of the BIS to harm the US by way of retaliation for prosecuting and jailing those under their protection. BIS is a criminal cartel of Global Central Banks and the 25 SIFI’s who are shareholders of these Central Banks like the Federal Reserve. When acting collectively they can take down a currency and stock markets through exchange rate and market manipulations. The US Federal Reserve was only allowed to take up its allocated seat on the BIS Board of Directors in 1994 and what a roller coaster ride we have been on since. The Fed is an agent of this foreign cartel based in Switzerland with immunity of prosecution (like the WEF but more so), and not loyal to the US and is operating outside the means of USG control. They are our sovereign.

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That's a great point about the parallels with his father.

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