Thanks to yourself, we can see what they are doing, they are breaking the old style of economy to shift us to a new, global system.

We can't ignore things like "Smart Cities" as they are part of the "4th Industrial Revolution" as they are part of the big picture. They are building a new economic system which relies on a virtual world rather like living in a video game.While we are watching the old system sink under the weight of debt, they are using military technology to create a surveillance state.

I was watching an Alison MCDowell video in which she points out the plan is that we have a digital identity and everything will become a tokenised asset.The token may have some link to a fiat currency but it could also be linked to a right or a bit of information. Their goal with blockchain identity, is that everything about you will be tracked in the smart environment.The data gathererd can then be used to create patterns.

Even if the tokens are community currencies, in the background are the same powerful people who are behind the proposed CBDCs. Community currencies could be programmable so they would not only represent an exchange of value but at a higher level they could create parameters to steer behaviour. The CBDCs may be in the background but we will be playing in a game run by powerful people around the world, just like now.

Do we want to live like a character in a video game? That is a discussion that we need to have but we are not asked to debate that while we are being divided and distracted.

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Thank you Mr. Titus. A dying regime makes a lot of noise, does stupid stuff, BUT will still hurt millions of people. Thankfully, we can put on the armor of God, learn from The Titus, and turn defense into offense. We cannot lose this battle if we never quit. Thanks again, Sir. Have a great weekend!

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Hey John down here in Apartheid New Zealand Blackrock is the government ( partnering with early settler boat people Maori- who the govt call "indigenous" in order to try to legitimize their illegitimacy ).

Blackrocks got the retirement funds( "And its gone" )and is making a demo " smart" city using its company's AI surveillance ( on top of the infestation of CCTV and hidden lamppost cameras and speakers )

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Hi John,

Looking forward to the video!

Also, on topic of "You Will Own Nothing," have you heard about the book The Great Taking, written by a former hedge fund manager who warns that the central bankers already have legislation in place world wide to take all bank deposits and securities as collateral on the $2 quadrillion derivatives bomb?

The Great Taking by David Rogers Webb: https://thegreattaking.com/

I first learned about this from Bill Holter’s website- here's what he says about The Great Taking book: "I have spent half of Labor Day reading this article. I found it to be very well researched and footnoted. I highly recommend you read this in its entirety as it discusses the “how” you will own nothing (but not how you will be happy). What hooked me on reading the entirety is the discussion of “securities” and that book entry securities will be confiscated LEGALLY in the great margin call to come. This harkens back to my JSMineset days where Jim urged everyone to get their certificates issued in paper form. The rest of the article is bone chilling, but I cannot disagree with the author’s how or where it all leads to. May God help us all! Please do not e-mail me with questions regarding certificate issuance. Please contact your individual companies and query who their transfer agent is and how to have your certificate issued. As for any questions on the overall article, please contact the author directly."

The Great Taking...The Plan To Hand Over YOUR Assets To The Banksters (very thorough explanation) Mike, Parallel Systems


Mario Innecco/Maneco64, a finance expert who used to work in the City of London, read the book and think the author and his warnings are legit:

How the Central Bankers Plan to Come After Your Assets.


Get Ready for "The Great Taking" Doug Casey's Take [ep.#275] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5-qvST4_iE

Ellen Brown, lawyer and author of Web of Debt, has read the book and also believes the warnings are legit. Here's what she sent to another attorney: “Every form of collateral from deposits to stocks to bonds, is being pooled; and those players with super priority status in bankruptcy can take from the pool before the bankruptcy proceedings even start. I knew that about deposits-derivatives have super priority status in bankruptcy- but didn’t realize it about stocks and bonds. The derivatives bubble will inevitably pop, and it is larger than all the assets in the world, which have been pooled by international agreement as the author shows”

Also, Mike from the Parallel Systems youtube channel above is a Brit and he mentions that they don't actually own their own property (I think it is in a trust, from when the bankers burned down London in 1666) and it can be taken from them at any time. I'm wondering if the same might apply to us here in the US because of legal trickery mentioned in the book below (I've also heard finance expert, Greg Mannarino warn about this too):

They Own It All (Including You!) By Means of Toxic Currency https://archive.org/details/TheyOwnEverythingIncludingYou/mode/2up

Here's more info on the book here http://newpeopleorder.com/

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Can’t wait - thanks for the heads up. Patience easily is exercised for the best of the best.

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Love your work.

What should we buy to protect our assets?

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Great video. Watched it twice.

Here's the link below for anybody that hasn't looked it up on YouTube yet.


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Mervyn King, Baron King of Lothbury actually, old chap.

A Lordship is even more super duper that a common 'Sir'.

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John did your Latin teacher use a red felt tip pen to write YUK on your papers? LOL

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Very cool.

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Oh, I can't wait for this one!

A lot of sh*t is afoot, to say the least...

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New rule proposal could be a catalyst for MOASS. Protect Market Integrity by opposing proposed rule SR-OCC-2024-001 to reduce margin requirements. Comment period expires in 45 days. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1afdep9/did_you_know_that_margin_call_could_be_a_catalyst/

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Thank you so much again for all you do for us. It’s appreciated more than you know.👍

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I shudder to think about what kind of "distraction" would be used as cover for such a caper.

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Thanks for your efforts. Since you seem like a guy who loves to learn and is curious about money and banking, I have a book recommendation for you. A History of Money and Banking in the United States by Murray Rothbard. It covers the colonial era to WW2. Also there is about 10 pages on Marriner Eccles.

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I still earn and save money in order to function. It’s not easy to just take the extra money and invest it in order to avoid the pains of inflation. And what did my colleague recently tell me? „Yeah, yeah, the money doesn’t come from debt. [...] Stop it. I don’t want to hear that!“ (I tried to tell him the simple fact that most of the money is generated by banks via loans. Nothing more.)

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