Believe me John, when it comes to computers, we've all done something ill-advised. I've worked in IT for 27 years and I've both seen it and done it!

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In my brief experience with Catherine, I find it in my best interest to listen and try mostly to do what she suggest ;-)

Great video!!! I need to watch a few more times. I learn more each time that I watch your videos.

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John - I discovered your channel about 2-3 weeks ago and have watched every video. They are spectacular documentations of what many have felt was transpiring over the last decade+ and I wanted to say thank you for all the time and effort you have put into them. I’ve been on a journey of truth finding and education/understanding since the crisis of 2008 but it’s not easy with regular life going on and I appreciate the knowledge you’ve bestowed.

I remembered an article with a timeline that I had discovered back in the day when Covid was in full swing and some other notes I remember taking as I listened to a few podcasts. My recollection of that time was how obvious it was that this has come from a lab in wuhan china. Sadly I’m not finding many of the notes I took back then but I did find the article with the timeline and I had written in one additional item that I had heard recently at that time: 9/12/2019 Wuhan Institute of Virology database goes offline... here’s the article/post by Fabio Vighi - of note (and I didn’t catch on to this at the time) he makes note of the blackrock paper from august 2019 - that paper and the strategy it discusses and that was subsequently deployed by the fed has really solidified my perspective on the intentionality of the course of events...


One thing I wonder about now is what is China’s role in this effort towards global totalitarianism? Were the videos coming out of China in early 2020 intentional? China has such a firm grip on information getting out but there were so many examples of the extreme measures being taken inside china and of the “chaos” that the new disease was bringing to the hospitals and public... there were all these vids of people collapsing suddenly (which isn’t even a thing with Covid...). Is China the test lab? The test lab for what people will tolerate in terms of totalitarianism being imposed? Is that why they stayed locked down so much longer? Could Klaus have been overheard on a 2021 conference call saying “Let’z zee juzt how much zay vil tolerate Xi...”

Unfortunately most of my friends (in our 40s) are not aware of this stuff and if and when I try to discuss I feel the conspiracy theory judgement. I have heard the Gen Z’ers prefer to use cash more (may have heard that listening to one of your appearances) which is encouraging. I certainly could and should do more to fight this on a personal habitual level so I think I’ll make that a focus moving forward. Again thanks for your contributions and hope to see more from you soon.

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CAF is awesome, been listening to her for at least 8 years now. Glad you are friends!

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John, any way to check credit unions? My search has come up empty. TY.

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Greetings on this fine Monday Mr. Titus!

No need to apologize. All this tech wizardry is daunting at times, to say the least.

EXCELLENT vlog by the way! I'm going to listen/watch a couple more times to help it all sink in.

The labyrinth of financial chicanery those financial midwit charlatans (is it permissable to use multiple adjectives?) have woven is beyond astonishing!

Best thing to do is prepare and saddle up for one heckuva rodeo ride, isn't it?

PEACE and be well!

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I don't have excel or apple, can you save it as a pdf or .odt?

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John, I hate to bother you, but I can't find something. I'm looking for an honest local bank in Cincinnati. I've been advised to

1) avoid banks in greatest danger are those with large uninsured accounts. [Mine is 53, which is on the bad-list, I think. ]

2) Also look (for low) borrowings from Federal Home Loan Bank.

Where can I find this info?

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Hello sir. I just discovered your YouTube account yesterday and I am enthralled. We are both residents of "The Triangle" area. Are there any non-terrible banks around here? I opened a Truist account 6 months ago, thinking it would be like BB&T, which did great after the 08 crash. They seem terrible. PNC, 5th/3rd, BoA, Wells Fargo are all around here and they all suck! What's the shiniest turd around in your opinion?

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Hello John, just started following you. You mentioned at the beginning of the video, how one might protect themselves. Do you have any thoughts on brokerage firms..i.e., Fidelity, Charles Schwab.?

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Have you considered using LibreOffice as a replacement for MS Office?


LibreOffice Calc aka "open source Excel replacement" does better than 90% of the things Excel does - while importing Excel spreadsheets with minimal formatting loss. They even make a version for Mac. And being open source, the price is right - free. Give it a try!

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Hi John, you are performing a public service. I have learned more about the financial world form you watching all your videos than anything else! Your work should be part of every schools financial literacy class. Here's a few excel jokes to make you feel better.

I’ve been typing numbers into Excel all day.

My fingers have gone NUM.

Next year you should give up spreadsheets for 40 days and 40 nights…

It would be Excel Lent

A pivot table walks into a bar and orders a beer. It says, “Put me in the same tab, will ya?” –

Where do you get a drink on Excel?

Formula bar

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Thank you for your concise explanation. This reminds me of the large chain stores that stayed open during Covid while the independent stores were told to close - and, eventually, many closed permanently.

Control is always made easier through consolidation. While the neighborhood hardware store didn't care if we masked or not, Home Depot did and enforced it. That's the difference - enforcement and depersonalization. I foresee a day when each individual has an acct at the FED and the "banks" (of which there will be about 5 or 6 left) are merely "customer service centers" for the FED.

With CBDCs will also come digital IDs and no one will be able to access their Fed acct without their digital ID.

Additionally, you won't be able to access the internet either (that's the reason for all the cyber-crime recently). And you won't be able to step foot in a store (thus the reason behind all the mass looting). Each person will have to prove who they are digitally to perform any function.

Problem, reaction, solution.

Dark times, my friend. Prepare accordingly.

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You are forgiven Sir. This is a tough nut to crack. I stopped sending Excel workbooks long ago, instead converting the file to a PDF format. The bad news, as you know is, both locked files and PDF files can be brought back to editable life. I've not yet figured out a way to share this type of info safely, BUT offer this observation. Put your info out honestly so decent people have access to your valuable work, and the heck with the liars, who never stop lying anyway. Just warn folks that subversive copies are all over the place, so beware. The only other option - a time consuming option, is discuss your findings in the article; then make Excel files available by request only. People can email or message you with a request for your information. A "by request only" response could be through an email service like Mailerlite, Constant Contact, Mailchimp, or maybe just through your Substack list.

Your work is as good as any out there and better than most. I hope you can figure out a way to keep sharing.

Thanks so much for what you do, Sir.

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My sympathies about the spreadsheet. Thank you for the heads up, that can't have been easy.

Unfortunately I am not a very smart sixth grader though. I watched the video but couldn't really understand it all. Its probably just me, but I'll wait for a shorter cliff notes version of what all this really means.

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